Preparing for competitive exams is tough, whether it is IAS preparation or you are preparing for civil service exams such as UPSC. There are millions of people operating on the exam every single time and very few get selected. Therefore, you will need to prepare in the best way possible along with all the tuition classes you are going in. The best way you can learn more in order to crack the exam is simply by using IAS preparation app and UPSC app.
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The best app you can use here is CrackitToday. As the name says, it is an IAS preparation app that can also be used as UPSC app. You will learn the most important things using the app such as MCQ questions, answer explanations, test papers, etc. You will get all of these things in one single android app.
CrackitToday UPSC preparation app is that all in one practice app for UPSC which you will definitely need for your UPSC prelims preparation.
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If anyone has attempted UPSC prelims paper before then he/she must know that for UPSC the more you practice the better you get. More question you practice, more you will get familiar with UPSC pattern and once you are familiar with this you can attempt questions in the UPSC Prelims 2020 easily.
Questions you will find here is unmatchable. We do thorough research on what has a probability of appearing in your next prelims paper and then we upload only those questions.
Unique features of the IAS Preparation app
There are many features that come with the app which you can utilize to crack the exam.
MCQ Questions – One of the best features that you get in the IAS preparation app is the MCQ Questions. There are more than 500 questions added every single month that you can easily answer. In order to crack the exam, you will have to practice a lot. This app gives you the perfect platform for you to do it. You just have to spend a little time in the app and you can crack the exam.
Answers Explanation – Crackittoday not only tells you the right answer but also explains to you why is that question right. For each and every question you will find a detailed explanation of the topic itself. So you can study the topic itself.
If you are not able to answer any of the questions, there is a proper explanation given for each and every answer. You no longer need to search the internet for the answer or waste your precious time in figuring out the easiest way. Everything is given right in the UPSC app that you can use.
Regularly Updated – You can be assured that you will bet at least one test series daily. We add questions daily either in the daily quiz section or Subject-wise test series section or the Full-Length Test Series.
Notifications – Get push notifications for every test series uploaded so that you don’t miss them. If you want you can disable the push notifications from the dashboard.
No-Nonsense – There many apps in the app store which has everything including those non-sense things which are of new use to serious aspirants but with CrackitToday you can be assured that you will find nothing here which will deviate you from your preparation
Test series – There are many mock test series that you will get in the IAS preparation app. You will get a daily quiz where the questions are randomly taken. Moreover, along with the daily quiz, you will get the subject wise test series or you can opt for the mock test papers. All of these test series will help you to learn more and hence crack the exam in the first attempt itself.
Result analysis – You need to set a goal in order to succeed. Whether it is exam preparation or something else, once you have a final goal in mind, you can work harder for it. The UPSC app has made your work easier here, there is the whole result analysis that analysis the previous year results and also about the expected cut off this year. Along with the result analysis, the IAS preparation app will also send you a notification whenever the new test is added. However, if you want you can turn off the notification.
In other words, there are all the features that you need to prepare for the exam inside the app. You can easily download the app today itself to start preparing for UPSC and IAS. Everything s added in a properly structured manner for you to crack the exam hassle-free. There are shortcut methods to score well.
CrackitToday Tests for IAS preparation app
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Daily Quiz – In the app itself, you will find 10 questions uploaded daily. These questions are a mix of both Current Affairs and the Static GK portion.
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Half-Length Tests (Added from November) – These test series is an exact replica of UPSC Prelims but in half size, making it the perfect Mock test you can appear. Questions you will find here has a really high probability of appearing in the Prelims Exam.
Subject-wise Tests – This is the perfect one if you want to practice that particular subject you are confident or not confident with. Here you will find constantly updated 10 Questions Test series which will help you with your preparation
Crackittoday UPSC app Ultimate vs Regular Membership
There are two membership options over here, one of them is free and if you want access to more features, you can opt for the ultimate membership. If you are thinking it’s a completely premium app, you are wrong here. You will get most of the features accessible in the free membership also. However, if you want to prepare more for the exams, you will have to pay a little fee to access more features.
In free regular membership, you will only get access to the daily quiz. Whereas if you go with the ultimate membership, you will get access to full-length test series, half-length test series, as well as, subject wise test series. This is not applicable for the free membership. Therefore, if you want to score well in the exams, we recommend you to go with the ultimate membership options.
If you are worried about the pricing, you don’t need to worry about anything as you will only have to pay Rs 750 one-time fee for the premium membership. The membership will continue until the next UPSC exams. Therefore, the pricing is affordable for anyone and you can opt for it. Hindi font for android tablet free download.
Still, if you are not sure about it, you can download the IAS preparation app. You can then use it for a couple of days and see the impact. If you think the app is working well for you, you can go with the ultimate membership.
Why a UPSC app?
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If you haven’t yet used the UPSC app or IAS preparation app, you might think why you should spend money on the Android app. There are many benefits that you will get when using the Android app, below are some of them.
- You can use the app whenever and wherever you want
- There is no fix timing for the test unlike the physical tests
- You will spend less money on the app and will be able to gain more knowledge
- You can simply capture a screenshot to save something, you don’t need to write all these things.
These are several reasons why you should use Android apps for preparation. Adding this in your daily study routine will defiantly help you to crack the toughest exams.
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So, what are you waiting for? You can download the Crackittoday IAS preparation app and UPSC app today itself to kick start your study routine. Make sure you don’t miss any of the daily tests. Also, there is nothing wrong with just trying the app, the app is free for regular membership and you will also get access to daily quizzes and various other features. You can surely learn a lot from that. So, download it today and make sure you prepare well for the exams. If you are facing any issues, or want help with something you can surely contact us.
If you have just started preparing for your exam then its the right time to start using this app as CrackitToday makes use of reverse learning approach where you first give a test then learn the topic through an explanation. This helps you in remembering things.